Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Naked Pint

The Naked Pint: An Unadulterated Guide to Craft Beer  
By Christina Perozzi & Hallie Beaune

 An Unadulterated Guide to Craft Beer, Perozzi and Beaune offer a down-to-earth guide to craft and artisanal brews that celebrates beer for what it truly is: sophisticated, complex and flavorful. Covering everything from beer basics to the science of behind beer, food and beer pairings, home brewing, and tips for perfecting one’s palate. This edgy no-nonsense guide exposes hidden truths, debunks misconceptions, and reveals the power that comes from knowing your ales from a hole in the ground!

"The Naked Pint is a great read for anyone interested in all things beer-from beer style descriptions to cooking with beer to brewing your own beer at home. Like a Beer 101 textbook to amp up your brew IQ, if only textbooks occasionally made you laugh out loud. The authors know their stuff; they understand and convey the notion that beer can be complex without being overly complicated, and they take beer seriously but don't take themselves too seriously. The Naked Pint is, um, revealing."
-Sam Calagione, president and founder of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

"Whether you want to brew at home, belly up to the bar with confidence, or make magical pairings at the dinnertable, The Naked Pint makes learning about craft beers as fun as drinking them. You'll be a savvy sipper after reading this educational and engaging book."
-Leslie Sbrocco, PBS television host and author of Wine for Women

Available today in both hardback & kindle versions, in the Beer Book Store.

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