Liquid Bliss is the 18th installment in Terrapin's "Side Project" line. Side Project is series of limited single batch beers which showcase Terrapin founder Spike's creativity and desire to push the boundaries of brewing. Liquid Bliss is a wonderfully interesting concoction of chocolate and peanut-butter set to a classic Porter canvas. The beer pours that traditional Porter black with a rich light tan head. The aroma is that of roasted chocolate malt and the nutty overtones often found in popular nut brown ales. Liquid Bliss is quite the flavor explosion, presenting both sweet and salty characters with more of a "milk chocolate" taste as opposed to "bitter-sweet" often found in Porters and Stouts. The beer is brewed with both peanut butter and brewery-boiled green peanuts. Terrapin has once again opted for their "go-to" source for chocolate, Olive &
Sinclair Cocoa Nibs. Hops are US Golding and the malts are 2-Row, Wheat, Crystal 85, Crystal 120, Chocolate Wheat, Chocolate and Black Malt. The ABV is modest at 6.7%, ad as is with most Porters the I.B.U.'s are low at 23. I highly recommend Terrapin's Side Project #18 "Liquid Bliss", so get it now or may be stuck with buying a lonely Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Cheers!
For more info on Side Project visit:
Terrapin Beer Co.
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